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30+ Funny Quotes About Packing & Moving 
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30+ Funny Quotes About Packing & Moving 


Moving and packing can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be all serious and stressful. Sometimes, a good laugh is just what you need to lighten the mood and make the process more enjoyable. In this collection, we’ve gathered 30+ funny quotes that capture the comical side of moving, packing and all the chaos that comes with it. 

Whether you’re preparing for a move or have gone through the experience before, these humorous quotes will surely bring a smile to your face.

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Funny Quotes About Moving And Packing

  1. “Packing: the art of fitting way too many things into way too few boxes.” – Anonymous
  2. “I don’t need a moving company; I need a magician to make all my stuff disappear!” – Anonymous
  3. “Moving is a great workout! Who needs a gym when you have heavy furniture to lift?” – Anonymous
  4. “The boxes said ‘easy assembly.’ They lied.” – Anonymous
  5. “I’m not moving; I’m just rotating my entire life to a new location.” – Anonymous
  6. “Packing is like a puzzle, except all the pieces are oddly shaped and don’t fit together.” – Anonymous
  7. “Whoever said ‘home is where the heart is’ clearly never had to pack and unpack boxes.” – Anonymous
  8. “My favorite dance move is ‘the box shuffle’ while trying to navigate through a sea of moving boxes.” – Anonymous
  9. “Moving tip: If it’s been in a box for over a year, maybe it’s time to say goodbye.” – Anonymous
  10. “The fastest way to unpack? Invite your friends over for a ‘box opening party’ and watch the magic happen!” – Anonymous
  11. “I’m a minimalist, but somehow my possessions never got the memo.” – Anonymous
  12. “Moving is like a surprise test of your organizational skills, and I always fail.” – Anonymous
  13. “I’m not saying I have too many clothes; I’m just saying my closet played Tetris with my life.” – Anonymous
  14. “Moving day is like a roller coaster – the excitement, the adrenaline, and the occasional urge to scream.” – Anonymous
  15. “You know you’re moving when you start finding things you thought you lost years ago.” – Anonymous
  16. “I’ve mastered the art of packing one day before the move – it’s called procrastipacking.” – Anonymous
  17. “Packing is my new full-time job, and I didn’t even apply for it!” – Anonymous
  18. “Moving is the ultimate test of friendships. Who will help you carry the heavy stuff?” – Anonymous
  19. “My moving strategy: pretend everything is going smoothly while chaos ensues behind closed doors.” – Anonymous
  20. “If there’s one thing moving has taught me, it’s that bubble wrap is oddly satisfying to pop.” – Anonymous

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Moving Quotes from Famous Comedians

  1. “I moved to a new house recently. It was a great experience, except for the actual moving part.” – Ellen DeGeneres
  2. “Moving is a great way to realize how many friends you don’t have.” – John Mulaney
  3. “Moving is like going to a new school. You’re nervous, you’re unsure, and you pray you don’t embarrass yourself in front of the neighbors.” – Jerry Seinfeld
  4. “I hate moving. I wish I could just teleport all my stuff to the new place.” – Amy Schumer
  5. “Moving is like childbirth – you forget the pain and do it again.” – Tina Fey
  6. “If you want to test your relationship, try assembling IKEA furniture together during a move.” – Chris Rock
  7. “Moving is nature’s way of saying, ‘Hey, remember all that stuff you bought? Time to lift it!'” – Jim Gaffigan
  8. “The best way to break the ice with your new neighbors is to show up with a box of pizza and a sad face.” – Kevin Hart
  9. “The key to a successful move is hiring movers who can also double as therapists.” – Conan O’Brien
  10. “Moving is just a fancy way of saying ‘shuffling your junk from one place to another.'” – Jimmy Fallon
  11. “Moving day is like a comedy of errors. At least, it’s funny when it happens to someone else.” – Stephen Colbert
  12. “The hardest part about moving is pretending you know what you’re doing when you clearly don’t.” – Chelsea Handler
  13. “Moving is the only time I ever get to touch all the things I own.” – John Oliver
  14. “I’m not a hoarder; I’m a memory collector with a really full house.” – Ellen DeGeneres
  15. “Packing is like a trip down memory lane. I found things I didn’t even know I still had.” – Hasan Minhaj
  16. “Moving is like a game of ‘Will it fit?’ with your furniture and the doorways.” – Sarah Silverman
  17. “Moving is a great time to reevaluate your life choices, like why you have five spatulas and no socks.” – James Corden
  18. “Moving is a great workout. My biceps and my bank account have never been so sore.” – Ali Wong
  19. “Packing up your life and starting fresh is like hitting the reset button on your mistakes.” – Ricky Gervais
  20. “Moving is like adulting  on expert mode. Can I go back to playing on easy now?” – Tiffany Haddish


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We hope these funny quotes about moving and packing have brightened your day and made you chuckle. Remember, moving can be tough, but finding humor in the process can make it a whole lot easier. So, the next time you’re overwhelmed by boxes, take a break and enjoy a good laugh with these witty quotes. 


What are some funny quotes about moving to a new home?

Moving is like an extreme sport: lifting boxes, dodging furniture, and surviving mental breakdowns.

How can I make packing fun and less tedious?

Try the “Packing Olympics”: time yourself to see how fast you can pack a box, and reward yourself with a treat for each victory.

What’s the best way to deal with the stress of moving?

“Keep calm and let the movers do the heavy lifting.” Sometimes, it’s best to leave it to the professionals!

Any advice for surviving the chaos of moving day?

“When in doubt, label it ‘miscellaneous.’ It’s the universal code for ‘I have no idea what’s in here.'”

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